Writing Petals


Horitsuba is a CLAMP-created universe in which xxxHolic and Tsubasa RESERVoir ChRoNiCLES meet in an every-day school life. It's where everything is taken lightly, so to speak. XDD
So in other words, Horitsuba is an alternative universe for those two series, and perhaps CLAMP's other series. 

- Multichapters


- Oneshots/drabbles

Summary: Touya has waited for Yukito to finish with practice.
Pairing: mild Touya/Yukito | PG | 
Other: AU-ish, Clampkink fill, suggestive
Genre: general
Notes: so yeah... to be continued to the *B* side.

Waiting *B* 
Summary: Touya helps Yukito in the bathroom
Pairing: Touya/Yukito | NC-17 | 
Other: Clampkink fill
Genre: PWP
Notes: sequel to "Waiting", not for kiddies

When one discovers Clampkink's existence [Take 2]
Summary: Fay-sensei discovers the Clampkink
Pairing/Character: Fay/Kurogane | PG13 |
Genres: crack
Other: Clampkink fill, suggestive
Notes: ... the clampkink request just nagged at me and I wanted to write seme!Fay 8D